For the sector with 9,000 companies and more than 17,000 employees, this is “a great sigh of relief,” Federal Guildmaster Wolfgang Eder at the APA said Monday night: “We are also ready to accept stricter requirements.” The future mandatory entrance tests, which should not be more than 48 hours, were described by Eder as “useful.” Entrance tests are “a great thing” because they provide security for employees, business owners and customers. “Maybe we can even be used as pioneers in a future strategy,” Eder said. You don’t see the obligation to control testing as a problem. You will probably have to get used to this type of entrance exam, for example in the cultural sector. For that you get more freedom.
In the future, customers will have to show negative test results when entering hairdressers, on paper or digitally on their mobile phones, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) said Monday night of relaxation for providers. of commercial and personal services. The evidence would have to be shown to the hairdresser or podiatrist, for example: “Businesses and clients will handle it.” Anyone can take the test privately at a pharmacy or doctor’s office. Of course it is an obstacle, the alternative would have been not to unlock it at all.
“Customers want hairdressers to open up,” said federal guildmaster Eder. When opening, not many businesses disappear into illegality, where the risk of contagion is greater than in hair salons. Therefore, openness is also a socio-political necessity. With 3,000 apprentices, the hairdressing industry in Austria has about 20,000 employees.
Eder and Dagmar Zeibig, teachers of the federal guild of podiatrists, estheticians, massage therapists, nail designers, tattoo artists and piercers, stated in a joint broadcast that these industries “have already demonstrated that our high standards of hygiene and safety precautions help to combat the pandemics “. Now the federal government and the federal states have an obligation: “Our clients must have available comprehensive, simple and free testing options, just like in schools. The success of the entrance test will depend on this,” said Eder and Zeibig. Chancellor Kurz announced in front of journalists that after school they would also offer nasal vestibule tests to the population.
- Schools, commerce, culture: the government announced the first opening steps on Monday >> The details