Drunk 17 year old with a moped in Bach, Upper Austria


Young people injured in accident at St. Lorenz am Mondsee

Red Cross, Rescue, SB

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The 17-year-old had to be taken to the hospital. (IMAGE SYMBOL)

A 17-year-old alcoholic girl went off the street with her moped in St. Lorenz am Mondsee (Vöcklabruck district) on Saturday night and ended up in a stream. An alcohol test on the injured teenager showed 1.12 per thousand, police reported.

Another road user saw the girl and her moped in the watercourse at 1:45 a.m. and alerted the police. The 17-year-old was injured, how serious, it was unknown, and could not give any information about the accident. An alcohol test was only possible in the hospital due to urgent medical attention.

(Source: APA)

Accessed May 9, 2020 at 01:04 am at https://www.salzburg24.at/news/salzburg/ Grenznah / betrunkene-17-jaehrige-landet-mit-moped-in-bach-in-ooe- 87325822
