Doskozil does not want to bring refugees from Greece


“We can do it”: Five years ago the famous sentence of German Chancellor Angela Merkel was heard. A flow of refugees into Western Europe followed.

One of the central figures of this time in Austria is Hans Peter Doskozil, then head of the state police in Burgenland, today state governor (SPÖ).

He was there when masses of refugees crossed the border at Nickelsdorf. However, as a SPÖ politician, he follows a restrictive course in refugee policy. “We are dealing with between ten and twenty thousand people a day,” the former police officer said on “ZiB2” on Sunday. It was impossible to record the data of each person.

However, Europe did not learn from these events. The issue of an EU-wide distribution quota remains open, and stronger border guards and asylum centers are also needed at the EU’s external border.

“It’s about drawing a line”

Doskozil disagrees with his party leader Pamela Rendi-Wagner on a current issue: Doskozil is against bringing refugees from the overcrowded camps of Greece to Austria. Not even the children.

Refugee policy is about drawing boundaries, he emphasizes. “From my point of view, the limit is the rule of law and that must be observed.” Greece is in the European Union and the issue of EU-wide distribution has not yet been resolved. A European asylum system is needed, she emphasized again.

“Yes” answers the question of rescue missions in the Mediterranean. However, asylum procedures would have to be carried out in those countries where the rescued stepped onto European soil, such as Italy.
