Did you survive the pandemic? Why there is no rest for turquoise green in 2021


As health fades from the headlines, other issues will focus on other issues, for example, the withdrawal of state control. Among other things, the Minister of Green Justice, Alma Zadic, has promised that nothing will remain of the interference in the areas of people’s lives under the law.

The restructuring of the economy and the training of the unemployed will be dominant themes. And it’s about change. On the one hand, there will be a shortage of skilled workers in the labor market, on the other hand, many people will be unemployed because their traditional jobs no longer exist. You need to re-qualify.

The business world will also focus on change: How much climate-friendly innovation is possible? Are we finding the right twist in the digital future?

The important themes for the state will be: expansion of digital infrastructure, a shift to creative and independent learning in all educational institutions, and an administration that keeps up with progress.

IHS chief Martin Kocher told KURIER that a successful reboot after the pandemic also depends on “whether politics and administration have the strength to make the necessary structural adjustments.”
