Development cooperation award: the Eduard Ploier Award bidding begins again


The Eduard Ploier Award 2021 and the Eduard Ploier Journalist Award 2021 will be announced, applications from now until March 21.

Upper Austria. The state of Upper Austria and the Diocese of Linz award the Eduard Ploier Prize for Development Cooperation and the Eduard Ploier Journalist Prize every two years. The first consists of awarding prizes to specific projects, with 24,000 euros being distributed among one or more proposals. The second awards a publication on the subject of development work with reference to Upper Austria with 3,000 euros.

“Our goal must be to improve the living conditions of the local population so that there is no need to flee to developing countries. The initiatives in Upper Austria are wide-ranging, ranging from measures for the supply of drinking water, through the construction of schools and vocational training, to the construction of health centers or rural development programs and are a great opportunity for people from Africa, Asia or South America leave previous dependencies. break free.”

Thomas Stelzer, Governor

Shipment details

Applications for the Eduard Ploier Award and the Eduard Ploier Journalist Award must be submitted in writing using the application form. Projects must be realized or appear to be concretely feasible. Only those journalistic works that have been published in newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the Internet in the two years prior to the call will be considered for the Eduard-Ploier-Journalistenpreis application. The work must be related to Upper Austria and must be attached to the submission.

Natural and legal persons, as well as associations of persons from all over Austria, can participate, so a reference should be made to the federal state of Upper Austria. The award winners are determined by a jury made up of one representative each from the institution belonging to the board of trustees. These curators donate the Eduard Ploier Prize through financial contributions.

Submission deadline: Applications can be submitted no later than March 21, 2021 and sent by email to or by post to the Upper Austria Office. State Government, Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Attn Hofrat Mag. Hubert Huber, Bahnhofplatz 1 (Center for State Services), 4021 Linzdeliver.

For information, contact the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Development Cooperation Unit, Tel .: (+43 732) 77 20-115 01 or 115 27, available with pleasure.
