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Reader Werner Achenbach has a question about mouth and nose protection, which is currently mandatory in many places. “How often and by what criteria will the masks be replaced?” He asks.
Nina Weber, Health Editor at SPIEGEL, has the answer:
Cloth masks are currently used as mouth and nose protection, for example when shopping or on local public transportation. Therefore, the answer refers to this form of mask and not to FFP2 or FFP3 masks intended for medical personnel.
In short, the mask should be changed at the latest when wet. This is indicated by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Institute of Drugs and Medical Devices. Wash your hands before putting on a mask and after taking it off.
At Federal Center for Health Education I asked him what to do if the mask is wet while traveling. BZgA’s response shows that the mask requirement has its difficulties in everyday life.
“If it is foreseeable that purchases, for example, will take a long time, it is advisable to carry a second packed mouth and nose cap. You can use an airtight sealable bag for packaging, which will then be used to store the mouth and nose cap moistened. can be used
After removing the wet covering from the mouth and nose, you should find a way to wash your hands well according to hygiene rules (at least 20 to 30 seconds with soap). If there are no washing facilities, wash your hands with the disinfectant you are carrying. Then the new mouth and nose cap can be put on and the wet mask can be packed in the sealable bag. Hands are washed or disinfected a second time in accordance with hygiene standards.“
Regardless of whether you have to change the mask on the go, hopefully only in rare cases, or not – it needs to be cleaned after using it.
The BZgA writes: “Storage of wet masks in the sealable airtight bags should not be too long as there is a risk of mold. At home, the mouth and nose caps should be machine washed at least 60 degrees the same day at latest“
At SPIEGEL, the infectologist Peter Walger points out that the masks can also be boiled: place them in a saucepan with water and boil for ten minutes.