Without sensitivity, without preparation, chaotic. This is how he describes Official and candidate Neos Karim Rihan conditions at Corona hospital in disarray Vienna. After about 300 people of that on Friday Asylum seeker home in Erdberg, in which 26 Covid infections were found, were moved to the fair and were quarantined, it was too much Escape attempt come.
There were also problems with food. Because mainly Muslim victims of all canned pork and only in Lent Ramadan Due to lack of preparation, cake was also served Rihan A private relief operation at night from Saturday to Sunday.
Bacon Tomatoes for Muslims
In addition to local Muslim politicians participated in this Karim Rihan (Neos) Muhammed Yüksek (SPÖ) and Hakan Gördü (SÖZ), former president of the Islamic Community, Ibrahim Olgun, an association of the Traiskirchner Mosque, the WEFA aid organization and numerous individuals. 300 meals were brought to the fair in a few hours.
In the Samaritan Workers Association (ASBÖ), who is in charge of the Corona hospital at the fair, confirms the reason for the aid effort. That the Muslims were full of bacon of all things The offered tomatoes “unfortunately happened”. It was an oversight.