Coronavirus: Pensioners Association warns of “blocking” the elderly


The change planned for next week. Epidemic law It has already caused excitement because the opposition suspects that a forced crown application goes through the back door. Now there is a new fear, namely the SPÖ pensioners association. You suspect that you want to keep older people away from certain events.

This is the already controversial passage, according to which not all people could be admitted to the events. Head of the pensioners association Peter Kostelka He sees his generation as the target of the measure and says: “You don’t have to block older and experienced people by law.” Therefore, warn Pensioners Association before general isolation of people of a certain age or year of birth.

Annoyed senior manager

ÖVP Senior Citizens Association sees Kostelkas Statements, however, “pure Alarmism“The provisions according to which important events can only take place for certain groups of people or under certain conditions are purely a recommendation of health policy,” explained the head of the association of older people. Ingrid Korosec.

Changes are necessary in order to maintain certain events. In this sense, it also has consultations with the president of the ÖVP club August Woeginger held: “The corresponding passage will be specified and clarified in the coming days,” he said Korosec.
