On Thursday, the Crown Commission changed six districts of Austria to orange. There is a high risk of contracting the coronavirus in these districts.
At its meeting on Thursday, the Crown Commission changed six districts to orange and therefore sees a high risk of infection with the corona virus in these districts. The Carinthian region of Hermagor is also among the high-risk districts for the first time because of a group that was created in the course of a cattle drive. However, there is still no rating with red.
Traffic light change: there have been changes in these districts
Neusiedl am See in Burgenland, Sankt Pölten Stadt, Mistelbach and Scheibbs in Lower Austria and Hallein in Salzburg went from yellow to orange. Seven districts, Oberpullendorf and Oberwart in Burgenland, Villach Land in Carinthia, Sankt Pölten Land in Lower Austria, Braunau am Inn and Schärding in Upper Austria and Voitsberg in Styria, now have a medium risk assessment instead of a low and therefore , have changed from green to yellow. .
Carinthia Governor Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) said in a broadcast about the commission’s decision: “That was to be expected.” The colors of traffic lights should be viewed as protection for people and as a warning light for added caution and consideration.
There was positive news for three districts: according to the commission, Kufstein in Tyrol is medium risk and has been downgraded from orange to yellow. Eferding in Upper Austria and Deutschlandsberg are now green again instead of yellow. The assessment was unchanged for all other districts.
The Commission’s assessment in detail
Medium risk regions
- -Districts in Burgenland: Eisenstadt city, Eisenstadt area, Güssing, Oberpullendorf, Oberwart, Rust city
- Districts in Carinthia: Villach Stadt, Villach Land
- Lower Austrian districts: Baden, Bruck an der Leitha, Lilienfeld, Sankt Pölten Land, Tulln, Wiener Neustadt Land
- Districts in Upper Austria: Braunau am Inn, Freistadt, Grieskirchen, Linz Land, Linz City, Ried im Innkreis, Schärding, Steyr City, Wels Land, Wels City, Vöcklabruck
- Districts in Salzburg: City of Salzburg, Sankt Johann im Pongau
- Styrian districts: city of Graz, surroundings of Graz, Hartberg-Fürstenfeld, Leibnitz, Liezen, Murau, Voitsberg
- Districts in Tyrol: Imst, Innsbruck Land, Kitzbühel, Kufstein
- Regions in Vorarlberg: Klostertal / Arlberg, Montafon / Brandnertal, Großes Walsertal, Bregenzerwald / Kleinwalsertal
High risk regions
- Districts in Burgenland: Neusiedl am See
- Districts of Carinthia: Hermagor
- Districts in Lower Austria: Gänserndorf, Gmünd, Korneuburg, Krems Land, Krems Stadt, Melk, Mistelbach, Mödling, Neunkirchen, Sankt Pölten Stadt, Scheibbs, Waidhofen an der Thaya, Wiener Neustadt Stadt, Zwettl
- Districts in Salzburg: Hallein
- Districts in Tyrol: Innsbruck Stadt, Landeck, Schwaz
- Regions in Vorarlberg: Rheintal / Walgau
- Vienna
The final stoplight switch will be posted after the commission meeting on corona-ampel.gv.at and on ORF Teletext on page 659.