Corona traffic light in “red”: Off for retail and gastro – health


In case of uncontrolled outbreaks and widespread spread, events are canceled and schools are switched to “distance education”.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz wants to avoid a second lockdown for all of Austria. However, this may mean small stops for individual regions, if the Corona traffic light in “red” is changed. Today the traffic light commission meets, the individual districts of Austria could be changed to the highest “red” level. In conversation they are behind “today“Information on St. Pölten and Hermagor – more here.

In such a case, the area is at “very high risk”, with uncontrolled outbreaks and widespread spread. The following steps take effect:

Measurements for “red”

► The government also recommends one for private meetings Mouth and nose protectionif the minimum distance cannot be maintained.

Eventsthey are generally eliminated. This applies to both cultural and sporting events or trade shows. There are exceptions, for example, for weddings or funerals.

► Despite mandatory Kindergarten YearAbsenteeism is allowed. Also, there is a shift to “distance learning” in schools. When visiting schools, it is mandatory to protect your mouth and nose.

► Whenever possible, Home Office recommended. Contacts with customers are only allowed in areas of systemic importance, such as supermarkets, pharmacies or gas stations. The rest of the business is closed.

Hotels and pensions will be closed. Touristsyou should leave the country immediately, if possible.

► Also the Catering establishmentswill be closed. However, deliveries and pick-ups are allowed on the spot.

► The general Curfewfor events and bars it will be brought forward at 11 pm

Sports facilities and gym must also close. Only competitive sport is allowed, but subject to compliance with protective measures. Also, outdoor sports are only allowed alone or with members of your own household.

► occurs in the health and social sector Entry banCurrent Visitor: If you are not a patient or do not have an appointment, you must remain outside. However, this does not apply to hospice and children’s wards.

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