Contacts: only one “individual” can meet with other households


Visits allowed under certain conditions

Visits are also possible under the conditions mentioned, according to the frequently asked questions of the Ministry of Social Affairs. “Visiting individual close relatives or important individual caregivers, with whom contact is generally maintained several times a week, is part of the exception ‘that meets the basic necessities of daily living’ and is therefore permitted,” he says. literally. At the same time, he asks for restraint: “Contact with other people should be restricted as much as possible.”

To clarify visiting possibilities: Starting Tuesday, a person is allowed to visit several “close relatives” or “important reference persons” at their home. However, according to information from the Ministry of Health, two or more relatives (or caregivers) are not allowed to visit a person together outside the home, even if they live alone in the same home. It is also clear that it is not necessary to define one or more individual persons with whom one meets during the confinement; each can be different people, as long as they belong to the terms “closest relatives” or “important reference persons”.

In principle, the federal government makes an urgent appeal not to meet with anyone and to minimize contacts.
