EU summits are likely rarely subject to entertainment tax, but this week’s Friday and Saturday should have been particularly grim. The heads of state and government used the meeting to exchange ideas about the situation of the crown in their countries. And they all face the same problems: how do you winterize when everything happens indoors? What can be done in the face of the growing pandemic fatigue in the population? How to prevent an impending third, perhaps even fourth wave of infections?
It is a race against time. The first vaccine will be approved in the EU in December. But until significant vaccination rates are reached in the population, winter will end, not only because of production and delivery times, but also because each person has to be vaccinated twice at intervals for immunization.
At least until the elderly, for whom Corona represents a mortal danger, are vaccinated, a return to normalcy is not expected. Yes, no significant relaxation is even in sight.
On the occasion of a background discussion with journalists on Saturday morning, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz again appealed to the population: “At the moment, a household can only have a second home at most. I urge you to adhere to it. And when you meet someone, go for a walk instead of meeting indoors. “