Blümel expels the representative of the EU Commission from Vienna, Selmayr …


Finance Minister Blümel wants to resolve the dispute over the fixed-cost subsidy for companies with a letter to Commissioner Vestager. He is outraged by Martin Selmayr’s statements in the “press.”

Finance Minister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) wants to resolve the dispute with the EU Commission over the fixed-cost subsidy. Next week (September 15) there will be a clarifying discussion with representatives of the Commission, affected businessmen and journalists. In a letter to EU Vice President Margrethe Vestager on Tuesday, Blümel assumes a “misunderstanding”.

The turquoise green federal government wants to help businesses through the winter with the fixed-cost subsidy. As Blümel writes to Vestager, the return to new forces should be “our common interest.” “Therefore, it can only be a misunderstanding that this grant could not be approved as planned.”

Blümel was outraged on Tuesday by the statements of the head of representation of the European Commission in Austria, Martin Selmayr in the “press”. Selmayr noted that the implementation of the internal market rules was one of the tasks of the EU Commission and explained the enthusiasm for the state aid check with the Vienna election campaign, where Blümel is running as the main candidate for ÖVP Vienna “The statements made by Mr. Selmayr bear witness to an incredible arrogance towards the hotel industry of the city of Vienna and interested industries and companies,” said Blümel. “Under the guise of staying competitive, unrealistic decisions are made in Vice President Vestager’s office. However, for many companies it is less about competitiveness than survival and employment. “

The Chamber of Commerce, however, pushed for speedy approval. Every delay in the fixed-cost subsidy threatened bankruptcies and job losses, warned Gregor Kadanka, president of the travel agency trade association.

(APA / Red.)
