Applause for the federal president |


applause for the national holiday speech of Federal President Van der Bellen. In recent weeks he had become very calm around the man at the Hofburg. Now he’s back and I found calm, of course Words for the hysteria partially eaten up by hatred that makes the pandemic even more toxic. “Let’s be respectful in our language,” he warned. Great Idea: Did all the social media trolls, the self-proclaimed experts, and the ladies and gentlemen of the opposition listen to you? That’s right, this virus gets on our nerves difficult even. (And the government, the bureaucracy and all of us make sure – like the governments of many other countries – mistakes in the struggle.) this unprecedented situation They can only face each other and not against each other, hopefully they will not go unnoticed. Interestingly, he did the federal president also strong for the stop corona application, whose widespread introduction prevented “their” Greens. “Let’s continue being human,” he concluded. Thank you. That’s.
