
The place of action
After a 25-year-old girl was killed on Sunday in Leonding (Linz-Land district), an autopsy on Monday showed that the combination of choking and bites cost her her life. The suspect, a 29-year-old distant relative of the victim, has already been arrested and confessed. The motive turned out to be “despised love,” said Ulrike Breiteneder, a spokeswoman for the Linz prosecutor, on Monday.
Whether the man is or was sane will be “a subject in the preliminary investigation.” “It is probable that there is a disease”, it must be clarified to what extent it has to do with the crime.
The student suffered six points, four of them on the chest. The spokeswoman for the authorities reported after the autopsy that the young woman was already so weakened by previous nausea that her blood circulation slowed and she no longer bleed as much.
The 25-year-old Honduran had been living with her 39-year-old half-sister, also from Honduras, and her husband in Leonding for a long time. The 29-year-old, who also comes from the Central American country but is now a Spanish citizen and lives in Spain, came to visit shortly before Christmas. On Sunday morning there was a discussion between the Spaniard and the student, apparently because of his progress.
The homeowner couple and their eight-year-old daughter slept on the first floor and heard the commotion from below, from the ground floor and basement around 9:00 a.m. The 39-year-old woman fell, saw her half-sister bleeding and apparently she was also attacked and strangled by the Spanish. Her husband of the same age had followed her and overwhelmed the 29-year-old in a fight. Meanwhile, the eight-year-old girl had run to her grandparents’ house next door to ask for help. Grandpa came and helped his son tie the assailant to the basement stairs with zip ties. Then they called the police and an ambulance.