The tiger from the Styrian crown festival has already celebrated with Putin – Styria


That millionaire, whose crown pool party recently attracted attention, has already celebrated with former Foreign Minister Kneissl and Putin.

People come together to celebrate. However, given the still high risk of coronavirus, this is not currently desirable. A round of Austrian millionaires in Styria recently whistled. They demonstratively held a pool party in Corona’s day. The Graz prosecutor is now investigating several suspects.

Meanwhile, new background on the group has come to light. The Ober-Partytiger celebrated in 2018 as a guest at the wedding of the then Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl. There he caused a sensation with a very special gift, “which even caught the attention of Russian President Vladimir Putin,” reports the “Crown.”

However, this doesn’t serve you after your media-effective pool drink. “The Graz prosecutor’s office launched an investigation on its own initiative. The criminal police were tasked with investigating the matter,” spokesman Hansjörg Bacher confirmed. Investigations are underway against four people known by name and other unknowns.

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