Virus paralyzes equestrian sport – Vorarlberg affected – Vorarlberg –


The new and particularly aggressive herpes virus (EHV-1), which first appeared at a tournament in Valencia, ensures that all events in continental Europe were canceled before April 11. Vorarlberg professional jumper Katharina Rhomberg is also affected. One of his horses tested positive for the virus.

Equine herpes virus type 1 (EHV-1) can cause everything from respiratory illnesses and miscarriages to neurological disorders and, in worst cases, even the death of a horse.

The virus can be triggered by stress

The infection can lie dormant in the body for years (latency phase), only to be suddenly reactivated, for example by stress, leading to the outbreak of the disease. This herpes virus is particularly contagious, so you should proceed with a positive test result with great caution. For example, additional protective suits are put on so that no viruses adhere to clothing and thus avoid possible infection.

Blessing in disguise

Katharina Rhomberg and her horse were very lucky. When the first cases of the new herpes virus were known after the Valencia tournament, Katharina Rhomberg was also in a competition in Italy. The great luck was that none of the participants had been to Valencia before. However, all animals were tested as a precautionary measure.

Just a positive horse

It turned out that one of Katharina Rhomberg’s horses had already contracted the virus. This early detection and direct treatment avoided both a possible infection and a severe course. Because the sick horse and the horse from the first contact were immediately isolated. After that, all the horses were tested multiple times, all negative.
