Doskozil for follow-up examination in hospital


Follow-up exam in Leipzig

The Governor of Burgenland can be examined


The Governor of Burgenland, Hans Peter Doskozil, is already in Leipzig for a follow-up examination.

Burgenland Governor Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ) will undergo a follow-up examination on Monday due to his vocal cord surgery last March.

The investigation at the Leipzig University Hospital should also clarify the possible effects of the governor’s Covid 19 infection on his larynx and vocal cords, according to a report from the “Kurier” of his office on Saturday.

Eisenkopf represents Doskozil

Doskozil is represented by his deputy Astrid Eisenkopf (SPÖ) during the duration of the hospital stay in Leipzig and the regeneration. The governor had already gone to Leipzig before the weekend. The routine examination was actually planned for early December, but had to be postponed due to Doskozil’s crown disease.

(Those: APA)

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