The New Year’s baby 2021 may have been born in Tyrol. Dimo was born spontaneously at exactly midnight at Hall State Hospital. The boy is 51 cm tall and weighs 3,580 grams, Tyrol Kliniken press spokesman Johannes Schwamberger of the APA said late Friday. He is the first-born of a family from Gallzein in the Tyrolean district of Schwaz. Carinthia’s first baby in 2021 could be Ferdinand. The boy was born at 0.13 am in Wolfsberg.
As reported by a midwife from Wolfsberg State Hospital, Ferdinand is 55cm tall and weighs 4,165 grams. The birth was spontaneous.
Maksymilian was born at 0.27 am at the Tulln State Hospital (Lower Austria). According to the midwife, the child weighed 3,160 grams and measured 50 cm at the time of spontaneous delivery. The family lives in Tulln.
A girl named Martha will be the first baby at Bregenz Regional Hospital in 2021. She was born on Friday at 2.37am. The baby weighed 2,616 grams and was 18 inches tall at birth. He is the second child of Sibratsgälle’s parents, as announced by midwife Sonja Domig.
In Burgenland, Luca was born on New Year’s Eve at 4.30 am The child was born spontaneously at the Barmherzigen Brüder hospital in Eisenstadt, the assistant doctor reported. Luca weighs 3,522 grams and is 51 cm tall. He is the second son of a family in the Mattersburg district.