ÖVP Secretary General Axel Melchior criticized the FPÖ on Wednesday. The obstacle was a crown-related post by Niko Steinberg, a member of the municipal council of the Freedom Party in Schweiggers (Zwettl district).
The local politician had posted a photo montage on Facebook and compared Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) to Adolf Hitler.
“Since Herbert Kickl assumed power within the party, the FPÖ seems to have completely renounced the demarcation of the right-wing extremist fringe,” Melchior said in a broadcast. The party director asked that Steinberg be excluded from the FPÖ.
A post by Hannes Grenl, member of the FPÖ of the municipal council in Bischofstetten (Melk district), also attracted media attention on Wednesday.
As the News from Lower Austria reported online, he had posted a photo montage of the Auschwitz concentration camp with the inscription “Trying makes you free” on a WhatsApp group in town halls.