Earthquake in Croatia – Herr und Schroll: “The government must push to close the dangerous Krško nuclear power plant”


SPÖ Strictly Against Nuclear Power: Phasing Out Nuclear Power, Government Must Turn Words Into Deeds

Vienna (OTS / SK) SPÖ’s environmental spokesperson, Julia Herr, and SPÖ’s energy spokesperson, Alois Schroll, spoke out on Tuesday to shut down the Krško nuclear power plant near the border. “The Krško nuclear power plant, which is located in the middle of an earthquake-prone area, repeatedly creates problems and safety risks. Today’s earthquake in Croatia has also shown how dangerous the Krško, jointly operated by Slovenia and Croatia, is. It is time for the Krško nuclear power plant to go offline for good. The turquoise green government must take seriously its responsibility towards the Austrian people and put pressure on their Slovenian and Croatian counterparts to shut down the dangerous Krško nuclear power plant, which is only 70 km from Austria, ”said Herr und Schroll. Government. ****

It is clear to the SPÖ that nuclear power must have no future and the elimination of nuclear energy must be promoted. “We have heard enough lip service against nuclear power from the ÖVP and also from the Greens. The government, first of all Chancellor Kurz, Foreign Minister Schallenberg and Environment Minister Gewessler, are urgently asked to finally translate the many words into concrete actions and take seriously their responsibility towards the Austrian population, “they said. Herr and Schroll. (Close) mb / lp

Queries and contact:

Federal organization SPÖ, press service, Löwelstrasse 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01 / 53427-275
