A year of turquoise green: Blümel and Anschober in Wordrap


DELIVERY COURIER: The turquoise green government spoke of “the best of both worlds.” What’s the hardest of both worlds when working with the Greens?

Gernot Blümel: I have seen all kinds of coalitions: with the SPÖ, FPÖ, the Greens. I can only say: it’s actually going very well. We have different approaches to different topics. But that doesn’t surprise either the green side, us or observers. The fact that we were able to take many powerful actions very quickly during the pandemic shows that the pace of work is working.

Is there a cliché or prejudice about the Greens that has been disproved?

It was already clear in advance that the green party structure also has different approaches to decision-making. I don’t know if that is prejudice. From a philosophical point of view: a prejudice is not something negative per se, but only if it is not expanded to acquire additional knowledge. In this sense, every judgment is always a prejudice, since there are never conclusive judgments.

Other than reuniting with family / friends: what has been lost since the pandemic?

Exactly that, I can live with the other things. But the fact that my daughter rarely sees her grandparents now, that our large family group rarely gets together, that’s what I miss the most.

Is there a phrase you don’t want to hear anymore in 2021?

The next few weeks are crucial.

Is there a moment / phrase that you regret?

For sure. When there is a lot of work, a lot of chips are dropped. But now I can’t think of anything ad hoc.

What was the last thing you ordered online?

I think a baby mattress.

What book awaits you to read this Christmas?

“Fire of Freedom” by Wolfram Eilenberger. I hope I have time for it. I really enjoyed your latest book, “The Magician’s Time”. It’s about the 1920s and 1930s, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger. The philosophical content is packaged in a way that is worth reading, but is also exciting.

Are there any Netflix series you have planned for the Christmas holidays?

No, but I heard that The Crown is supposed to be good.
