Government cuts sales tax: “buffer tax” is cut in half


The sales tax on feminine hygiene items will be cut in half, from 20 to 10 percent. The reduced tax rate will be decided in the National Council on Thursday.

AUSTRIA. Effective January 1, 2021, the sales tax on feminine hygiene items will be ten percent instead of the 20 percent above. Products such as sanitary napkins, tampons of all kinds, menstrual cups, and panty liners are getting cheaper. The reduction of the sales tax on feminine hygiene items already announced in the government program will be decided in the National Council on Thursday. “Bleeding is not a luxury, a tax that only women pay is unfair,” Greens spokeswoman Meri Disoski said in a broadcast. The Greens have always advocated for tax relief for women, and this has now been implemented.

Raab: “Feminine hygiene should not be a luxury”

“Women have no choice when it comes to their period and therefore also when it comes to buying hygiene products. They are basic necessities products, feminine hygiene should not be a luxury, “said Minister for Women Susanne Raab (ÖVP). This reduction is an important measure to empower women and generates financial relief. Raab calls on manufacturers to continue with this reduction in prices for women give and not make products more expensive.

Women spend 2,700 euros on menstrual products

In recent years and months, more and more countries have lowered or even eliminated tax rates on tampons, sanitary pads, menstrual cups, and other products. Scotland recently announced that it will offer free menstrual products to provide financial relief for women. According to the Greens, women spend around 2,700 euros on menstrual products throughout their lives, not including painkillers. Currently, women menstruate for about 40 years and therefore go through about 500 cycles. In other words, women menstruate 3,000 days of their life. “This is not a luxury, but a social taboo that must end,” said the spokeswoman for the Greens for women.

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