It is not yet clear whether the SPÖ will present its own candidate in the federal presidential elections in fall 2022.
The decision on whether or not the SPÖ will send its own candidate to the 2022 federal presidential election has yet to be made. The federal party made this clear on Monday at the request of the APA. Earlier, the second president of the National Council, Doris Bures, had made people sit down and take note of the suggestion that the SPÖ could do without its own candidate in 2022 and support incumbent Alexander Van der Bellen.
SPÖ wants to decide later
As the party told the APA, the federal presidential election is expected to take place in the fall of 2022 and the president of the federal party Pamela Rendi-Wagner will present a proposal to the party executive at the appropriate time. Currently, the focus is on dealing with the crisis in the crown. Bures has expressed his assessment of what is “absolutely legitimate,” he said.
The head and governor of the SPÖ of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser (SPÖ), was in the same direction: “The next federal presidential elections will be held in 2022, so this question does not arise from my current point of view.” The SPÖ will announce a decision on this in due course. At the same time, Kaiser sprayed the current federal president Rosen: “Yes, Alexander van der Bellen is a very good federal president for Austria. He has shown this since he took office, unfortunately in several difficult situations for our country.”
Bures’ suggestion made people sit down and take note
Bures, who had been repeatedly traded as a possible candidate for the post of head of state, told “ATV Aktuell” over the weekend in response to a question: “I think if he runs again, the Social Democrats will support Alexander Van der Bellen “. becomes “.