Now is the ban on throwaway for supermarkets – climate protection


ÖVP and Greens have launched new sustainability measures. Disposal of food should be prohibited.

Around a third of the food produced is lost worldwide. Also in Austria, hundreds of thousands of tonnes of food that would still be fit for consumption end up in the trash every year.

“Food is valuable. So it is better to share it and not waste it or throw it away, because if we share it there is enough for everyone. No one has any food waste,” Greens consumer protection spokesperson Ulrike Fischer said in a transmission. Therefore, the ruling ÖVP and the Greens parties on Tuesday tabled a resolution on a comprehensive action plan against food waste in the Consumer Protection Committee, which was adopted unanimously.

These steps are planned

Specifically, the action plan anchored in the government program, which is being developed in cooperation with Austrian business companies, producers and charities, should also include a ban on the removal of edible food from the food retail trade. With this model, France has been successful in combating food waste for about four years. The proposed resolution on the action plan also includes the following points:

assessment of existing laws and financing systems

a national coordinating body

improving the database and transparency throughout the value chain

A consumer awareness campaign to reduce household waste

“The increasing amount of food waste pollutes our environment and fuels the climate crisis. Therefore, avoiding waste is also a critical step toward protecting the climate,” explains Fischer. Because global food waste is one of the largest producers third of emissions of greenhouse gases in the world.

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