Salzburger also participated
Published: November 23, 2020 6:13 PM
Police arrested four drug traffickers in the Braunau district. They are said to have sold about one kilogram of heroin, two kilograms of marijuana, and small amounts of amphetamines and other synthetic drugs in total. Police determined on the basis of evidence that a relevant offender had started trying again immediately after his last release from prison, the Upper Austrian state police department reported on Monday.
The 21-year-old had no permanent place of residence and was traveling between Vienna, Salzburg and his former home district of Braunau to supply heroin to his particular clients. He and a 23-year-old supplier from Salzburg were caught red-handed and arrested while delivering drugs. An apartment in Mattighofen served as a drug hideout.
Drug dealer arrested in Braunau
Also in the district of Braunau, two neighbors, aged 27 and 34, were trading drugs that they had delivered through an Internet platform. During a house search, the police found a cannabis plantation and two prohibited weapons. The two were arrested and taken to prison, 32 other people reported.
(Those: APA)
Retrieved November 24, 2020 at 3:20 am from https://www.salzburg24.at/news/oesterreich/vier-drogendealer-im-innviertel-festhaben-96049579