Haslauer believes in hotels open for Christmas


The closer to the (planned) end of the lockdown, the more intense the discussions about who can unlock and when. Salzburg Governor Wilfried Haslauer (ÖVP) gave the tourism industry hope for the Christmas business in a video press conference on Monday.

The food and hospitality industry could possibly open “around the weekend of December 19,” Haslauer said. Of course, only if the number of those who tested positive developed accordingly by then. There are still no concrete plans for tourism. “That is an assumption made by me and not supported by any background information,” Haslauer said.

The ÖVP politician was also more willing to provide information than the federal government when it came to the requirements necessary to open the steps. “Above an incidence number of 100, it doesn’t make sense to induce substantial relaxation,” Haslauer said. This is not your private opinion, but more or less “doctrine.”
