With his opening demand on the Sunday before Christmas, WKÖ boss Harald Mahrer is also causing different reactions in furniture stores.
While furniture retail chain XXXLutz recently spoke out against opening on a Sunday before Christmas, rival chain Kika / Leiner, owned by Tyrolean real estate investor Rene Benko, is in favor.
Sunday before Christmas opening: Lutz against, Kika / Leiner in favor
Buyers would be better distributed, believes CEO Reinhold Gütebier. He wants to unlock “no buts”, he tells the “Kurier” (Sunday) and therefore supports the board of directors of the head of the WKÖ, Harald Mahrer (ÖVP), against whom there is broad resistance in general.
A spokesperson for Lutz last saw only a change in sales compared to ORF and it would be unlocked on Sunday. Gütebier, on the other hand, believes that opening on Sundays will certainly pay off financially.
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