In reality, an amendment to the law should put taxis and new providers like Uber on the same level. A last minute change could destroy the intention, industry representatives fear. But Uber could stay in the country for that.
There is a fire on the roof of the taxi business. The reason is an amendment to the Occasional Traffic Act (GelverkG), which would mean the “death of the classic taxi”: representatives of the fear industry such as Erwin Leitner, who as president represents the interests of the taxi industry in the Chamber of Commerce.
The amendment, which will be discussed in the Transportation Committee in early December at the proposal of the Council of Ministers and will enter into force on January 1, 2021, is “the coup de grace for the industry,” says Leitner. The life services union, Chamber of Labor, SPÖ and FPÖ also reject the new draft …
Accessed Nov 21, 2020 3:58 am from https://www.sn.at/wirtschaft/oesterreich/taxler-beklagen-todesstoss-durch-gesetzesaenderung-95923618