The next day, November 12. The head of SPÖ explains in a broadcast: “School closings are the opposite of precision and effectiveness. Because, from the point of view of many experts, there is no database or justification for it ”. Drosten’s experience must have flowed into this statement purely in terms of the passage of time.
On November 15, four days after the Drosten talks, the SPÖ then voted against the blockade in parliament, in contrast to the “blockade light” two weeks earlier, which had been passed. And it was pointed out that it could not be agreed, mainly due to the closure of schools.
Did Drosten really say in this conversation that schools are not such a major source of infection? The matter would have almost fallen asleep again if former Education Minister Sonja Hammerschmid had not brought up this conversation between her party leader Rendi-Wagner and Drosten in yesterday’s parliamentary session.
And now, suddenly, there was fire in the discussion. Because many tweeters wanted to know how Drosten is now on the subject of school. And four days ago he said on Twitter: “You can find my current assessment on the NDR podcast. I will not say anything more about politics.”