ORF-Star Nadja Bernhard Corona Hat


On Thursday, the routine test was negative outside the ORF. After symptoms appeared, another external test on Friday came back positive.

“Zeit im Bild” star Nadja Bernhard tested positive for the corona virus. “Due to ORF’s strict security concept, there is no risk of infection based on this at the ORF or ZIB editorial team. Ms. Bernhard completed her last ZIB service on Tuesday (Nov 10) and had no contact with ORF colleagues subsequently. On Thursday (November 12) they routinely gave him a negative result outside of the ORF. After symptoms appeared, another external test on Friday (November 13) returned a positive result, “according to a transmission in ORF.

Mild course

“The course of the illness of Nadja Bernhard, who is in private quarantine, has been very mild to date. The ORF wishes Ms. Bernhard a speedy recovery,” the ORF said. As a precaution, fellow ZIB moderator Tarek Leitner was also screened on Sunday. It was negative.
