ORF fails three times in the ZiB due to brief interviews – tv


The blockade probably also closed the audio track of the interview with the chancellor. On the ZiB it didn’t work in three attempts to show the conversation.

After days of reporting and a full press conference that featured the well-known perseverance slogans, we won’t have missed a lot of new stuff anyway. However, the ORF wanted to bring a speech among the people in the main news on Saturday night, which was granted by Chancellor Hans Bürger’s head of internal affairs.

“I have to apologize”

You should stick with a silent movie. More than a million Austrians stuck the chancellor’s face in the living room, but the message was not heard: “Problems with the soundtrack, we have no choice but to apologize,” presenter Tobias Pötzelsberger admitted ruefully after the third failed attempt . one.

“Today” has summed up all the new crown rules that will apply at the close from November 17th here:

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