
The Armed Forces Guard is currently working on the blackout exercise “AUTARK20”.
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The Armed Forces Guard is testing in Vienna this week how to deal with a prolonged and large-scale power failure. To this end, the electricity was cut off in parts of the Maria Theresien barracks during the blackout exercise “AUTARK20”. One would like to gain experience on a small scale to verify plans and considerations that have already been drawn up and develop them further with new findings, the Defense Ministry said via broadcast on Wednesday.
“The corona pandemic and the terrorist attack have shown that we also have to prepare for threats beyond a military conflict, because we are trusted,” said Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner (ÖVP). The Armed Forces, and especially its leadership, must become “more regional, faster and more flexible.” Tanner added: “This also includes the autarky of the barracks. This autarchy includes better stocks of all kinds and an adequate emergency power supply.”
Blackout and crisis prevention expert Herbert Saurugg called a “blackout” a “very realistic and underrated scenario.” “The ability to provide at least two weeks of self-sufficiency” is a central point, and that applies not only to the emergency services themselves, but also to their families and the entire population. In a safe home, there should be no shortage of water, long-lasting food, simple sources of light and energy, as well as medicines and first aid supplies.