Complaints, debts and dismissal – Wiener Zeitung Online


SBad things have happened that our observers couldn’t see. ” The outgoing president of the United States, Donald Trump, is going metaphysical on Twitter. On Saturday he suspected the Pennsylvania count was widespread. Since no observers would have been admitted, something bad would have happened, that is, an advantage for Joe Biden, the next president of the United States.

Incidentally, the fact that no observers from Trump’s camp had been admitted into the room also turned out to be incorrect, as a lawyer had to admit at the hearing. Ironically, Trump’s favorite broadcaster Fox News pointed out over the weekend that Trump’s allegations of voter fraud came completely out of nowhere – even if Trump managed to get hold of two or three ragged voting cards, it could never come. to the masses. what would be necessary to nullify the results in so many states. Or, as Twitter user Jeffrey Lieber sarcastically put it, “Do the same folks who can’t find the right Four Seasons hotel want us to believe they found 40,000 invalid voting cards in Philadelphia?”

What is meant by this is a press conference by Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s top advisers, whose absurdity can hardly be overcome. He called the press in Philadelphia in front of the “Four Seasons Total Landscaping” and thundered in the parking lot about the alleged voter fraud. Everyone wondered why Giuliani was gracing the nursery in an industrial area with his presence. Then someone realized: Trump’s camp thought the all-season landscaping was a Four Seasons hotel.

Defeat costs money

Even if some Republicans have already contacted Joe Biden and congratulated him, there have been no calls from the White House so far, because that would amount to admitting defeat.

The 45th President’s mood is rumored to be divided on how to deal with defeat. His wife Melania and son-in-law Jared Kushner are alleged to have persuaded Trump to accept the facts of the recount. On the other hand, their children form the other side: so much pressure should be generated that states would be forced to repeat the count. People who donated to Trump’s election campaign have already been written, saying they should donate again, this time for the legal battle. The fine print says that part of these donations can also be used to pay off campaign debts.

As a reminder, Trump’s available capital remains a well-kept secret. Only the fact that he paid no taxes for years is known. Some media had already worried about their finances after the elections. Biden had recently received more donations. After the lawsuits – up to ten were initiated by Trump Camp – are expensive, attempts are now being made to raise $ 60 million, according to the Reuters news agency. If Trump admitted defeat, he would have one less advantage in collecting donations.

So far, the signs seem to be waiting at the White House, and this slogan has likely been issued. The administration of the agency responsible for US government buildings is also said to be refusing to sign a letter with which Biden’s transition team can access the US authorities and formally begin work. this week. This is another sign that Trump could disrupt the transfer of power, writes the Washington Post.

The vote count is not over yet, but Biden is unrivaled. The White House will have a new host no later than January 20, 2021, which is inauguration day. And as Biden’s camp has already announced: The Secret Service is quite capable of escorting unauthorized persons off the property.

Another Trump candidacy in four years?

Trump is already looking further and apparently toying with a candidacy for the next presidential election in 2024. According to the Axios website, he is said to have spoken to his advisers about it. In the United States, a person can serve as president for two terms, whether consecutive or not.

With a 2024 candidacy, Trump would remain a central figure in the Republican Party, which he has largely kept under his control in recent years. At the same time, you could use it to collect donations for an election campaign. As a candidate for the 2020 election, Trump registered as soon as he took office in 2017. In 2024, Trump would be 78 years old.
