Leipzig – “lateral thinking” – large-scale demonstration: politicians demand reassessment


After escalating protests against Corona’s measures in Leipzig, calls for a political reassessment of events are strong. The Greens in Saxony demanded consequences: “The Saxon security organs lost all confidence in (the demonstration) # le0711. Roland Wöller’s inaction as interior minister is no longer acceptable,” the party wrote on Twitter. “There’s a lot to work on!” The left-wing group wrote on Twitter Saturday night.

SPD member of state parliament Albrecht Pallas also asked for an evaluation at a special meeting of the Interior Committee. Meanwhile, Saxon Interior Minister Roland Wöller (CDU) criticized the approval of the manifestation of “lateral thinking” by the Higher Administrative Court (OVG): it was irresponsible to allow such a meeting with more than 16,000 people in times of the corona pandemic in the center of Leipzig.

“We experienced a possible super spreader event”

Police announced Saturday night that they had initiated 32 administrative proceedings for crimes and recorded seven crimes, including forgery, name-calling and resisting law enforcement officials. According to the camp center, the situation was calm early Sunday morning.

The left spoke on Twitter about the failure of the state and a fact of many dimensions. “We have experienced a possible wide-spread event,” the party’s Saxon state association tweeted. “We saw how valid hygiene requirements were constantly ignored at this event in the eyes of the police.”

In Leipzig on Saturday, at least 20,000 people from across Germany protested against the federal government’s coronation measures. At first, the demonstration on Augustusplatz was largely peaceful. Later, the city of Leipzig dissolved the protest because many people did not cover their mouths and noses and did not keep the minimum distance. But thousands resisted dissolution and marched on the downtown ring.

Police spokesman Olaf Hoppe said the crowd was allowed to stop the ring because they could only have been held back using massive force. There have been several arrests. “The escalation and reckless behavior of the so-called lateral thinkers are shocking. They are chaotic,” Saxon Economy Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) wrote on Twitter.

In fact, the city had wanted to move the demonstration to the outskirts to protect against infection. The administrative court in Leipzig had confirmed this, the OVG decided differently: it allowed a rally with 16,000 participants. Elevators were not allowed.

Icon: The mirror
