After the attack in Vienna: Interior Minister Nehammer admits mistakes beforehand


Swipe to Kickl

But Nehammer also dealt a massive blow to former Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ). As for the protection of the constitution, it had permanently damaged the system, even “destroyed”. “It is amazing that the person who shook the BVT to its foundations, who is responsible for the associated services, has lost confidence in the protection of the constitution, now I have to restrain myself and try to choose words that are appropriate for a minister. it’s amazing whoever is yelling louder now, “Nehammer said. Shortly before, Kickl had told a press conference that Nehammer had misled the population.

Details of the detainees

Nehammer also reported that after watching 20,000 videos of the attack, it is now certain that it was only one perpetrator. In addition, 14 people were arrested, all between 18 and 28 years old. They are in custody and, according to Nehammer, they should all have an immigration record. Some are not Austrian citizens either.

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