reUS President Donald Trump assumes that many countries will want to see him lose in Tuesday’s election, including Germany. “China wants to get rid of me. Iran wants to get rid of me. Germany wants to get rid of me, “Trump said Saturday at a campaign appearance in Reading, Pennsylvania, in front of his supporters.
In the past four years, Trump has put his foreign policy under the slogan “America first” and has deliberately offended traditional allies in Europe on several occasions. In particular, the German-American relationship deteriorated significantly during his tenure.
Dispute over military spending
A recurring theme of controversy was Germany’s military spending, which Trump believes is too low. As a consequence, he announced the withdrawal of about a third of the US soldiers stationed in Germany.
In next Tuesday’s election, Trump is running for a second term. His Democratic challenger Joe Biden is committed to multilateral cooperation. He was vice president of Barack Obama for eight years, which made him a familiar face to former allies and partners of the United States.
On Saturday, Donald Trump and Joe Biden went on the final offensive in the election campaign. Mutual attacks included. Before Tuesday’s vote, Biden tried to score points with the Obama factor: on Saturday he appeared twice with the former president in the particularly disputed state of Michigan. Trump spoke four times with supporters in Pennsylvania, another major swing state. Biden wants to perform there on Sunday, Trump is expected in Iowa, North Carolina and Michigan. The Republican incumbent ranks behind Biden in polls both nationally and in several potentially crucial states. His reelection is not ruled out at all, especially since the electoral system means that the candidate with the most votes may also lose.
Both sides have declared that this year’s vote will be a fateful election and warn against the respective opponent as future president. Tens of millions of Americans have already voted and cast their vote by letter or at the polling station. Biden tried Saturday in Flint, Michigan, to take advantage of the annoyance of many compatriots over the past four years with Trump. “We are done with the chaos, the tweets, the anger, the hatred, the failure, the refusal to take any responsibility.” Pitting Americans against each other because of gender, ethnicity or origin is wrong, Biden said in his other appearance in Detroit. “Everybody knows who Donald Trump is, let’s show who we are.” He reiterated his promise to serve all Americans if elected. “For God’s sake please vote!” Biden appealed, almost pleading. “It is time to get up to regain our democracy.”