SPÖ leader Pamel Rendi-Wagner demands that the government prepare accordingly. As he called in a press conference on Tuesday, the coalition must sit down with social partners, businesses and local authorities and develop a plan on how to keep the economic and social consequences as low as possible.
Rendi-Wagner asked Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) to send him the numbers from which he intended this “blockade”. For the president of SPÖ, the use of intensive care units is decisive. In any case, the situation is “serious, also from my point of view” for the leader of the SP. Rendi-Wagner heavily blames the government for this, which once again offered a quiet summer and an unsuspecting fall. He fears something similar for the next few weeks: “The government must not encounter a second blockade without a plan.” The final decision should be based on facts and expert opinions. Political calculation should not play a role.
It is now necessary to engage in discussions with all relevant forces (states, cities, municipalities, the business community and the social partners): “The point is that the resulting enormous economic and social damage is not repeated. This can only be done with preparation and a plan”. The head of the SP did not want to judge whether a “confinement” could still be avoided, since she did not have all the figures. However, it is clear that the crucial weeks are behind us. Past failures on the part of the government are responsible for the current situation. You consider that the most recently imposed contact restrictions are too late. Rendi-Wagner rejects the initiative of the governor of Styria, Hermann Schützenhöfer (ÖVP), to be able to interrupt the celebrations in private homes if necessary. The SPÖ has always had a clear position here: “We cannot snoop in private spaces.”