Make America Great Again? | Market Agent, 21.10.2020


This is how Austrians see the 2020 US presidential elections

Although almost one in ten sees only one vote for the next president in the elections, for a good 7 out of 10 it represents an important scenario of the course with outstanding importance. For the local population, the electorate’s decision is symbolic and has global consequences hand in hand

Thomas Schwabl, CEO of Marketagent

Baden (OTS / Market Agent) The discussion about the upcoming presidential elections in the US on November 3, 2020 is not only intensively conducted on the site. The whole world is looking forward to the outcome, including Austria, as the president of the United States plays a decisive role in world political and economic events. On the occasion of the occasion, the opinion research and digital market institute Marketagent got an idea of ​​the situation in this country and raised the spirits of the Austrians with respect to the US elections and the two candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And the results speak clear language: as much as the current US president is polarizing, the opinion of the local population is clear: make America great again, but without Donald Trump, please.

From dubious financial behavior to the spread of obvious fake news, international affairs and sexist and racist comments, nothing has been able to lift US President Donald Trump from the saddle. His re-election by the American population on November 3 is by no means impossible. There is no doubt that Austrians would not trust Trump, as the latest Marketagent results show.

Biden, the clear favorite in Austria

For a good 8 out of 10 Austrians, the US elections are definitely a relevant topic, in which they show great interest. Consequently, just under a fifth are very concerned about media coverage of Trump, Biden and Co., two-thirds of those surveyed follow the election campaign at least occasionally through the media. Just under one in five completely renounces any news on this topic. The election result is of particular interest to the local population: a good 6 in 10 are curious to see who Americans will ultimately vote for. Only 15 percent left the result largely cold.

In general, however, there is no question about the Austrians’ preference regarding the outcome of the elections: Joe Biden is by far preferable for the majority of Austrians.

The survey results speak an even clearer language among the female population. 9 out of 10 Austrians prefer Democrats as their next president. But what if this wish will come true? The local population remains skeptical here. More than 4 in 10 believe that despite all the scandals and criticism, Donald Trump will emerge as the winner of the election.

Trump vs. Biden: Who is more suitable?

What speaks for or against the two candidates? Who has the right qualities to qualify for the office of President of the United States? Overall, three-quarters of Austrians have the impression that Donald Trump has taken off. Furthermore, he tends to be known as a conservative with a good 4 out of 10. However, almost 6 out of 10 Austrians have to give him their determination and assertiveness. This likely contributes to the fact that more than 4 in 10 describe him as a successful man. Yet fewer than one in ten people consider characteristics such as competence, tolerance, friendliness, and credibility to be adequate to characterize the sitting US president. Nor does the majority of the native population recognize Donald Trump as a united and peace-loving being.

By contrast, 6 out of 10 Austrians are particularly convinced of the diplomatic skills of Trump’s opponent, Joe Biden. He is also considered determined and experienced. Additionally, more than one in two respondents rate him competent and capable – good prerequisites for being at the forefront of American politics.

However, there is one aspect that connects the two candidates: At 74 and 77, both Trump and Biden consider themselves older for the office of President of the United States and the tasks and duties associated with it. From an Austrian perspective, the ideal age for this role was about two decades ago with an average age of 55.

A choice with consequences

From the point of view of the Austrians, the vote of the American population on November 3 decides more than the conduct of the political fortunes of the United States. “Although almost one in ten sees only one vote for the next president in the elections, for a good 7 out of 10 it represents an important scenario of the course with outstanding importance. For the local population, the electorate’s decision is symbolic and has global consequences hand in handsays Marketagent Managing Director Thomas Schwabl.

“Eight out of ten respondents expect serious consequences for the United States and for global politics in general if Trump were re-elected. With a potential Biden win, the exact opposite picture is expected “, adds Lisa Patek, Marketing Agent for Marketagent. In this case, less than one in five prepare for scenarios of terror, while a good 8 out of 10 do not foresee a black future neither for world politics nor for the United States itself. If the scandalous Donald Trump will really succeed in another election or if the Americans will depend on his opponent Joe Biden, he is still among the stars.

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