Japan: man mistakes baby bear for dog – mother of animal attacks


A Japanese man was attacked by the mother bear because he mistook a baby bear for a dog. The Japanese newspaper “Yomiuri Shimbun” reported on the incident.

Consequently, the man had visited Ichishima Tei Park in Niigata prefecture when he noticed a supposedly cute dog near the main entrance. When he wanted to pet it, the unsuspecting stroller was suddenly attacked from behind by the mother bear.

The park must remain closed until the end of the month.

Fortunately, the bear released the man. Except for torn clothing, it was said to have been undamaged. The rest of the dozen tourists and park staff got to safety. The park should now be closed until the end of the month.

There is currently a bear alarm in Niigata after a 73-year-old woman was attacked and fatally wounded to the head by a bear while working on her farm. Since April, nine people in Niigata have been attacked by black-necked bears.

According to experts, one of the reasons that bears are more likely to approach human settlements before their next hibernation is that they cannot find enough beech trees in mountain forests. In addition, more and more areas are orphaned due to an aging population.

Icon: The mirror
