As of Saturday at 12 noon, 1,728 people were currently sick, 7,615 people in Upper Austria were in quarantine. The death toll rose to 79. A 70-year-old man from the Rohrbach district died in connection with Corona, state health authorities said.
For the first time in a long time, the number of Covid-19 patients in the hospital rose to 104 people again in the triple-digit range, those in intensive care units with 14 people in the double-digit range. Various groups in Upper Austria refer to homes for the elderly and for the elderly.
In Wels, twelve employees and 26 residents are affected. There are other cases in the districts of Rohrbach, Urfahr-Umgebung, Bad Goisern and Ried. Linz Mayor Klaus Luger announced on Saturday that there was a group at the Kleinmnchen senior center with a total of 20 infected people: 17 residents and three employees. The Linz city crisis team banned visits. Ten residents were hospitalized and those with milder symptoms were isolated.
In Upper Austrian schools there were 33 cases that tested positive among students and four employees at 18 locations.