How the orange traffic light crowns schools


According to the regulation, not all high school students have to stay home: the first classes of high school (ninth school year) must still be able to come to school under strict hygiene rules. And tenth graders must also be allowed in at least occasionally.

The management of the respective school decides who, how and when to enter the building, in consultation with the regional directorates of education, especially since different spatial conditions prevail in different school locations. For example, it is easier to comply with distance rules in larger school buildings than in smaller ones.

In addition to sending all students home, there are two other options for upper level operation at the orange light. First, shift work could be introduced in which classes are divided into two groups that alternate between face-to-face teaching and home schooling every day.

Second, it is possible to bring individual students, groups of students or parts of classes to the school as appropriate (for example, for technical practical lessons).

The fact that each school decides individually on the specific modus operandi does not necessarily simplify the system, but for Faßmann it was always important to have the fewest possible “closures” in schools.
