Voting cards counted: ÖVP still manages more than 20 percent in Vienna -…


Voting cards are counted and bring even smaller changes to last Sunday’s Vienna elections. The ÖVP now reaches 20.43 percent, the Greens achieve 14.8 percent and thus their best result.

Now voting cards are also counted in the Vienna elections. The final result of the SPÖ comes from 41.62 percent, the ÖVP at 20.43 percent, the Greens at 14.80 percent (and therefore their best result of all time), the Neos at 7.47 percent and the FPÖ at 7, 11 percent. So far, the ÖVP with the voting card forecast was 18.8 percent, against the Greens with 14 percent in second place, behind the SPÖ with 42.1 percent.

Also, the final result, including the voting cards, looks like this: HC 3.27 percent, Left 2.06 percent, Beer 1.80, SOEZ 1.20, Wiff 0.17, Pro 0.05, and Volt 0.01.

The record number of voters by mail (more than 318,000 votes were likely cast outside of polling stations) fell back to previous patterns.

Ballot papers for district council elections

For the Vienna district council elections on Sunday, all mail-in votes are now also counted as of Tuesday evening. 334,608 valid ballots (out of 339,445 issued) resulted in a slight deterioration in the SPÖ results, while the ÖVP, Greens and NEOS were able to gain somewhat compared to the ballot results thanks to the ballots. The FPÖ and Strache’s team lost more ground compared to the result.

Overall, the SPÖ was able to win slightly compared to the 2015 district council elections and received 37.6 percent of the vote in all of Vienna. The FPÖ fell by more than 20 percentage points and landed at 7.8 percent, the ÖVP increased to a total of 20.1 percent and the Greens also improved overall – to 18.5 percent. Strache’s team got 2.82 percent of the vote in the districts and thus did little more than LINKS across Vienna, which got 2.54 percent. The other two small BIER parties and the SÖZ migrant list reached 1.8 and 1.2 percent respectively. There were also several other lists to choose from, often only in one district.

The result of the polls was significantly changed by the counting of votes by mail: in Josefstadt, the Greens of the ÖVP finally took first place and therefore the position of district president. Votes by mail did not result in other major changes, although this year, in light of the crown’s record pandemic, those eligible to vote had taken advantage of the opportunity to vote by mail or before elections at the district office.

The result was also slow to come due to the large number of voting cards, and it was not available on Monday night as usual, but only on Tuesday night. Of the total 786,777 votes cast, 43 percent were cast by mail. Turnout in the district council elections eventually reached 57.7 percent.

