Vienna election: ÖVP and Green catch up on mail ballots, FPÖ keeps collapsing


ÖVP more than 20 percent?

The ÖVP should now reach the 20 mark: the extrapolation forecasts 20.3 percent, 11.1 percentage points more than in 2015, and therefore three times more terms than before, that is, 21. Sunday’s result it was only 18.5 percent.

The Greens will benefit even more from postal voters: with 15 percent (16 terms), they are likely to achieve the best Green Vienna result, and in the future they will have 16 (previously 10) city councilors. On Sunday night, 12.2 percent of the polls didn’t look like it.

FPÖ in free fall

But the “third field” is even deeper: according to extrapolations, the FPÖ should ultimately be content with just 7.2 percent (after 8.9 percent at the polls), a drop of 23.6 points. percentage compared to the 2015 record of 30.8 percent. The blue municipal council is expected to be reduced from 34 to eight terms. Former FPÖ chief Heinz-Christian Strache did not even make it to the local council, and overall he will remain even clearer (with an expected 3.3 percent) below the five percent hurdle than on Sunday (with a 4 , 3 percent) Percentage) seemed.

Neos in the Federal Council

NEOS earn a little more thanks to the postal vote: 7.6 percent expected the ARGE to vote for them and thus they took fourth place from the FPÖ. In the future, they can hold eight seats on the municipal council (instead of the previous five).

And NEOS can look forward to a new role: because they will be able to nominate their first member of the Federal Council and, if the extrapolation of the mandate is correct, they will tip the balance immediately. According to the adapted calculation, the opposition of the Federal Council SPÖ and FPÖ will only have the same number of terms as the federal coalition parties ÖVP and Greens, that is, 30 each.

Because the SPÖ should now have to do without a Federal Council, the FPÖ three, while the ÖVP (plus two) and yet the Greens (one) get some. According to original projections, the SPÖ and the Greens would have remained stable, meaning that Turquoise-Green would have 29 seats in the State House in the future, but the Red-Blue opposition would have 31.
