The district results after the 2020 Vienna city council elections showed a fairly consistent picture. In the middle of the red Ottakring, however, there is a single bruise. The FPÖ dominated this constituency.
Already in the last elections in Vienna, but also in the elections to the National Council of 2019, one of the devastating results drew attention. In this year’s municipal council election, the little blue spot that can be seen on the very red Vienna map was particularly interesting.
The police building in Vienna-Ottakring chose FPÖ
In all of Vienna, the FPÖ only became the most powerful force in a single district. Sprengel 44 in Vienna-Ottakring is known as the “Vienna Police Building”. There were 468 eligible voters in the municipal council elections, of which 36.11 percent cast their votes directly at the electoral college on election day. The FPÖ received 28.40 percent of the votes cast, closely followed by the ÖVP (24.26 percent) and the SPÖ (22.40 percent). The beer festival came in fourth with 7.10 percent.
All the results of the 2020 Vienna elections can be found here.