After catching up in the third quarter, the economy weakened towards the end of the year. The labor market is the most worrying.
If you wanted to show the state of the economy in Austria with a traffic light, you’d be somewhere between a flashing yellow and pale green, Christoph Badelt, director of the Institute for Economic Research (Wifo), said on Friday. Both the Wifo forecast and that of the Institute of Higher Studies (IHS) assume a significant slowdown in economic activity at the end of the year after the crash in the second quarter and the strong rebound in the third quarter.
From July to September the …
Retrieved October 10, 2020 at 7:14 a.m. from https://www.sn.at/wirtschaft/oesterreich/die-stimmung-ist-entscheidend-fuer-die-erammlung-93977788