Suburb – Cologne terror alert! Bomb found on the train!
On Saturday night, a cleaner made a shocking discovery at the Cologne-Deutzerfeld train station: there was a bomb in the carriage of a regional train. It is said that it was hidden in a box.
The explosive dogs of the alerted federal police immediately attacked the place. The box was X-rayed by special forces and the self-made explosive device was eventually rendered harmless by the defuser at the scene.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/die-polizei-hat-den-bereich-rund-um-den-deutzer-bahnhof-grossflaechig-abgesperr-201543366-73227410/Bild/ 8.bild.jpg “/> The police cordoned off a large area around the Deutz train stationPhoto: Mirko Wolf
According to the police, it is a so-called “unconventional explosive and incendiary device”, according to BILD information it consisted of a match, fireworks, black powder bullets, nails and screws.
According to the initial investigations, the “auto-laboratory” could be implemented and the splinter effect could have caused the most serious injuries to the passengers who were in the compartment.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/die-ermittler-versuchen-die-hintergruende-des-bombenfundes-aufzuklaeren-201543435-73227520/Bild/5.bild.jpg “/> Investigators try to explain the background to the attackPhoto: Mirko Wolf