Committee U: Kogler recommends that Sobotka no longer occupies the chair: “Give him this advice”


After the Greens, in the person of parliamentary group leader Nina Tomaselli, called for Wolfgang Sobotka to step down on Thursday, thus joining the SPÖ and Neos, Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler also spoke on Friday evening.

In principle, he did not want to interfere with the parliamentary inquiry commission, Kogler said. It is about the separation of powers. But he didn’t want to remain silent: “Instead, I would not sit in the chair anymore until the contradictions were resolved,” Kogler said quite clearly. Sobotka “I shouldn’t be holding the chair – I would if it were him.” But “it really depends on Sobotka,” Kogler said carefully. “But I give you this advice.”

Kogler declared that he had “come to appreciate the president of the National Council very much” during the coalition negotiations, but that for the moment he would return to take his place. He also noted that, of course, the regulation did not provide for it.

On Wednesday it became known that the “Alois Mock Institute” founded by Sobotka should have been supported by Novomatic not only with two advertisements, but also with 109,000 euros. The SPÖ, Neos and Verdes therefore want to invite the president of the National Council to provide information for the second time, as he had initially stated that only 14,700 euros had flowed.

On the part of the institute, the rumored payment of 109,000 euros is denied. These never went to the Mock Institute. Rather, these are event expenses that have been charged internally within the group.
