Tragic accident Thursday night in Lower Austria! A panicked horse collided with two cars one after the other and died.
The incident occurred on Thursday evening on Blätterstraße between St. Egyden and Neunkirchen. Suddenly, a horse was stopped in the street and was run over by a convertible. As a result, the horse was struck head-on by another oncoming car.
The car went off the road and stopped in the field. One driver (61) was injured and was taken to hospital by emergency services. The occupants of the convertible were unharmed. The horse suffered fatal injuries in the second collision.
The horse got loose
As it turned out later, there is a stable nearby. A 36-year-old woman was leading the horse down a path next to the halter when the animal broke loose and ran into the street.
In addition to the local fire brigades St. Egyden Neusiedl and Saubersdorf, the crane vehicle of the FF Schwarzau am Steinfeld, the FF Willendorf-Dörfles with a large animal harness and the Würflach Hettmannsdorf fire department with the WLF were asked to support the extensive cleanup work. The mission ended after about two hours.