Tax evasion: former accountant convicted – SALZBURG24


The 54-year-old man, who is currently in prison, was convicted two years ago of infidelity and gross fraud at the Salzburg Regional Court. The unconditional prison sentence of five years and three months became final at the end of 2018. The woman had fully confessed to the accusation of having diverted around 6.7 million euros from a Salzburg advertising agency in the period. from 2008 to 2015.

Luxurious lifestyle as a motive

The German national gave her lavish lifestyle as the subject of the trial in 2018. She worked as a freelance accountant during the time of the crime, so she was not employed by the GmbH. The defendant had the authority to act as a banker. She was authorized to sign operational cash withdrawals and transfers from the ad agency and in doing so diverted money to her private account. The agency went bankrupt due to embezzlement in 2015. The company founded in 1997 was ordered closed.

6.7 million euros not taxed

The current process was a follow-up process. The defendant should have taxed the fraudulently acquired income of 6.7 million euros. However, according to the Public Ministry, he has not submitted incorrect tax returns. Therefore, the tax office of the Land of Salzburg suffered a loss of 3,345,617 euros in the years 2008 to 2015.

The accused repentant and confessing

This time, too, the accused was fully confessed and repentant. He gave money to so-called friends and “bought megalomaniacs,” said the wife of the chairman of the lay Senate, Judge Nicole Haberacker. “I have led a life that I no longer want to live.” The court instructed you today to pay the tax office the amount of tax owed within one year.

(Those: APA)
